In the last five minutes I've re-thought the characters a hundred times.... I was origionaly going for the Nazi, but then i figured they looked too happy and cheerful to fit that ( not that all nazi's in the world war are evil swine...I figure a good lot of em were the same type of soldiers that were on this side...but i figure it just looked funny)...I was going to redo the nurse to fit a more "european" look but then i decided to pull em onto this side of the battle and just remove the Nazi symbol. Go figure eh...so here's my nurse and "doctor" of the 1940's World War II.
I just noticed I use "..." a lot. Well ya know what i say to that... piss off it's my blog I can ignore all the grammar I want to, ha ha...enjoy!
that guy IS way to happy to be a nazi. I've seen Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, none of the nazis in that movie were happy.
You write very well.
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